Study Puts Puerto Rico Death Toll From Hurricane Maria Near 5,000

Perhaps 5,000 people died in Puerto Rico in 2017 for reasons related to September’s Hurricane Maria, according to a study that dismisses the official death toll of 64 as “a substantial underestimate.” A research team led by scientists at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health didn’t simply attempt to count dead bodies in […]

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A federal court gives defrauded Corinthian College students a victory over Betsy DeVos

A federal magistrate has blocked the U.S. Department of Education from paring back a loan relief program for defrauded students at the failed Corinthian College chain, finding that the agency invaded students’ privacy in fashioning a new program. The ruling Friday by Magistrate Sallie Kim of San Francisco is the latest blow to Education Secretary Betsy […]

Read More A federal court gives defrauded Corinthian College students a victory over Betsy DeVos

Supreme Court clears the way for controversial Arkansas abortion law

The Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for a controversial Arkansas law that blocks medication-induced abortions to go into effect. The law, passed in 2015, says that any physician who “gives, sells, dispenses, administers, or otherwise provides or prescribes the abortion-inducing drug” shall have to have a contract with a physician who has admitting […]

Read More Supreme Court clears the way for controversial Arkansas abortion law

Examining college counselors’ integration of religion and spirituality into substance abuse counseling

Many counselors, however, may be hesitant to address religion and spirituality in their clinical work. Indeed, Corey, Corey, and Callanan (2003) noted that “counselors ask just about every imaginable question about a client’s life, yet many are reluctant to inquire about the influence and meaning of spirituality and religion in an individual’s life” (p. 85). […]

Read More Examining college counselors’ integration of religion and spirituality into substance abuse counseling

Peer sexual harassment in schools

Peer sexual harassment negatively affects students’ academic performance; school attendance; and their psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. Studies show that such behaviors and outcomes are prevalent in schools. This article presents research findings from 1993 to the present that illustrate the incidence of peer sexual harassment in schools, identifies its negative effects on students, provides examples of court cases […]

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Over 58,000 students identified as homeless on the 2013 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) , a 75 percent increase from prior years.

One thing that we often think about when we think about homelessness is a stereotype–a man sleeping on the streets, but that’s really not the case. Researchers say the average age of a homeless person is 35 to 45, but there’s a subset of homeless people who are in college and homeless An invisible population […]

Read More Over 58,000 students identified as homeless on the 2013 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) , a 75 percent increase from prior years.

Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns

According to findings published in the Journal of Urban Health, an estimated 4.6 million American children reside in a household where at least one gun is kept loaded and unlocked. The study’s authors also determined that the share of child-rearing gun owners who don’t secure all their firearms has nearly tripled since the last time […]

Read More Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns